

import difficulties
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New Member
Posts: New Member

2016-01-24 22:01
    I have Argo basic edition. When I import a DWG file the light fixtures import as 2D symbols and the surfaces import with no textures. I tried a 3DS DWG and the surfaces imported (no texture) but in this case no light fixtures at all. I am starting from Vectorworks, and don't have any other file extensions available. Thanks for your help!.
    Advanced Member
    Posts:64 Advanced Member

    2016-01-25 15:17
    To my knowledge only the extended version comes with dwg / dxf import.
    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2016-02-01 08:25


    There are a number of things to keep in mind. Firstly, Capture does not support importing textures and materials from DWG/DXF. Secondly, it is possible that the DWG only contains 2D illustrations of the fixtures, in which case that's how Capture will open them. I would advise first downloading AutoDesks free DWG viewer to verify the DWG exported from VectorWorks is what you expect.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
    New Member
    Posts: New Member

    2016-02-01 13:32

    Hey Lars, I have to somehow get a map of a park into capture to space the lights correctly. Is there any way of doing it? Sketch up files?

    Know you said dwg's won't work... That is all I have at the moment though...: (

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!! ; )

    Advanced Member
    Posts:53 Advanced Member

    2016-02-02 14:14

    Go here:

    Search on park or terrain. These are Sketch Up Objects and can be imported with any version of Capture. Maybe combine a few or some will

    break apart and can me modified within Capture. Hopefully gets you close to what need.

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