

Flip Vertical and Horizontal
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Posts: New Member

2016-02-12 16:11


    Is there a way to grab a fixture or in fact a truss full of fixtures and flip them horizontal and/or vertical? It would be useful when you want to change the oriantation of a selection of lights so the pan and tilts flip.

    Also tabbing through fields, a move by distance and nudging an object would be useful.

    I'm enjoying using the software.


    Staff Member
    Posts:543 Staff Member

    2016-02-12 16:18

    For the first question please read page 28 of our manual.

    For the move by distance please read page 20.

    Tabbing through fields and nudging would need more details as to what you mean.

    Since you will open the manual please make sure that you also read the rest of the pages to gain extra knowledge about other features of Capture that you have not yet discovered.

    Sales Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
    New Member
    Posts: New Member

    2016-02-12 18:31

    Thank you for the quick response

    OK I see Move is Transform. Thanks for that. Sorry I don't use this software everyday.

    As for the flip horizontal I see no reference on page 28. I'm not talking about rotate (As this will turn all the fixtures to be facing the other way. I mean flip horizontal.

    If you are familiar with Vectorworks this is achieved by the type command. Command, Shift, H for Horizontal and Command Shift V for Vertical.

    An example being. I have a 10m truss with 3 fixtures on it stage right. The fixtures are not centred and spread evenly on the truss. How would you duplicate and mirror to stage left without having to rotate the lamps on the truss? I hope this makes sense.

    As for tabbing through fields: If for example you use the clone command, it opens a window with x Offset, Y Offset etc. To access each of those fields I have to then double click in each field with the mouse to change a value. Again using the Vectorworks example, if you hit the Tab button it cycles you through each of the fields fields selecting them at the same time allowing you to change values without having to use the mouse every time. If you use Shift Tab it does it backwards.This is also true of spreadsheets.

    Nudge. What I mean is, If I select an object it would be great to be able to move it by a pixel or 2 at a time by say using the arrow keys. Left arrow for left, up arrow for up etc.

    Also quite often when I group objects and align them, quite often they seem to behave as if they are not grouped. Is this something also I have missed in the manual?

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