

Print quality / settings
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2016-03-06 04:51

    I'm finding myself frequently printing plots, but as another poster below said, the font size is extremely small on things like patch and unit information. One way to counter this would be to print the exported PDFs at a larger setting, but this only gets one so far, because both the fonts and the artwork eventually start to get rather fuzzy. In the application itself, zooming into the paper view (or a plot) results in crisp, clean lines. Printing to a PDF? The nice vector-looking art and fonts look like they get turned into rasterized bitmapped messes.

    I'm not certain if this is the way the "print to PDF" function in OSX works, or if this is an issue with how Capture is formatting the output. My guess is it's the latter, since I can export beautifully clean PDFs from other applications, and it's clear that the line art in those is a vector, not a bitmap. Being able to print really clean PDFs would be awesomesauce.

    [edit] While we're on the topic of printing, the fixture report functionality results in very difficult to read reports straight from Capture. The margins are huge and there are no text settings, so lines wrap the whole way down the page, so it's necessary to export reports via the HTM function then scale down properly. But this is a very nitpicky issue, I suppose.

    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2016-03-08 10:06


    You can customize the size of text using plot styles. Simply create a new plot style, adjust the text sizes and apply it to views and plot insets as you would with layer sets.

    Regarding the default PDF resolution in Mac OS X, this can be change, although it is far from obvious how to achieve it. What you need to do is open the ColorSync Utility application in the Utilities folder of your Applications location. Once in there, go to the filters category and locate the "Create PDF/X-3 Document" filter. You will see that the default resolution is 72 dpi. Click on the arrow on the right side and duplicate it. You duplicate will appear at the end of the list. Enter your desired resolution values (300 dpi is a good start) and make sure to tick the "PDF Workflows" option under Domains. Optionally click on it's title as well to give it a better description like "High Resolution PDF". Now when you press the arrow down part of the PDF button in the print dialog in Capture (and other applications), you will see your new filters listed at the bottom!

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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    Posts: New Member

    2016-03-10 22:39
    Thank you Lars! I had no idea about being able to set up higher-res PDFs. What a weird place to look for that setting.
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