

MA 2 PC to Argo Why Will It Not Connect
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Posts:37 Basic Member

2016-03-07 17:47
    MA 2 PC to Argo Why Will It Not Connect

    I have looked at the youtube / and still cant get Grand MA 2 PC or even MA 1 PC to connect with Argo can any person whom has been able to make MA PC to work without the use of a MA Wing or node please inform the step by step way this is done

    I have tried the MA share Net 2.9 and also 2.8 with no luck so is it in the MA PC Software settings and what is the best settings to use

    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2016-03-08 10:08


    It cannot be done without MA hardware. MA have blocked this option for you - do let them know if you're not happy about it.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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