

Update Library and date in txt and latest added fixture/item
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Posts: New Member

2009-03-01 08:34


    Wouldn't it be nice to put a date in the text at the last library update folder? So you don't have to upload an old one. You can't see the difference between an old one and a new one before downloading......Makes life much more easier.

    Would also be nice to tell us what is added fixture/item.....

    Kind regards,


    Staff Member
    Posts:2062 Staff Member

    2009-03-03 06:23
    Hi Chippie,

    While this feature has been requested before and we are planning to add it some day, it's also a can of worms. Because, when you know the library file is newer than what you had, you will also want to know what is new - and adding that information is considerable more difficult.

    For now our recommendation is simple; unless you were missing or have reported a problem with a fixture and have been informed by us to download a new library package, simply stick to the library that went with your last installation.

    Lars Wernlund
    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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