

Creating new objects
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Posts: New Member

2009-04-20 10:44
    Hey Forum.

    Is it possible to Subtrak 2 objects to create a new object?

    EX: I want to create a Fan house by drawing a box and then subtrak a cylinder.

    Lars R
    Staff Member
    Posts:2062 Staff Member

    2009-04-21 21:17
    Hi Lars,

    No, I'm afraid you cannot do that kind of ("boolean operations on solids") modelling in Capture. You would need to create the fan house by using four "Arch" pieces or possibly the "Cylinder hull" shape.

    Lars Wernlund
    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
    New Member
    Posts: New Member

    2009-04-28 20:08
    HI Lars

    hmm ok. that might work too.

    Thanx for the input.

    Lars Refshauge

    New Member
    Posts: New Member

    2011-07-24 09:25

    In several projects I have to create objects such as tables, chairs, etc

    I normally create the object and group all items together. Is there a way, in a future update, that I can save custom made objects so they can be used in other projects and always be in my library?

    Staff Member
    Posts:542 Staff Member

    2011-07-25 14:35
    have you tried the extract function?

    while working in a project you can select extract from the file menu, open another project, select any items existing there and drag and drop them in the current one! this way you can reuse anything you had created..

    i hope this helps,


    Sales Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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