

16 x wash in a truss circle
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Posts: New Member

2009-04-30 10:07

    Is there a possebility to implement 16 wash fixtures in a circle?

    I ask also others and they told me no. You have to do it one by one.

    A lot of work! You can give a distance, quantity but no angle.

    So dear capture team can you make an extension on the clone part?

    Than we can add those fixture in "one click"

    Save us time.


    Staff Member
    Posts:2062 Staff Member

    2009-04-30 10:30
    Hi chippie,

    Apparently the others you have consulted have not seen section 3.2.4 in the manual which describes how to use the Clone tool to accomplish what you need (be it with a box, but obviousley it can be done with a fixture as well)!

    Lars Wernlund
    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
    New Member
    Posts: New Member

    2009-04-30 11:34

    Thanks Lars,

    That was what I'm looking for but didn't know that it was possible with fixtures. We learn every time.



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