

Fixture control without a console
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Posts: New Member

2009-05-19 20:30
    I'm wondering if anyone else has thought about this. When using Capture I can focus and colour my fixtures and set them at levels using the 'control' tab to create a look for Directors, etc to see. But when using moving heads, scrollers, LED cans, etc I'm unable to select a colour, gobo, etc without having a console connected to the Mac. Is there any way these controls can be added to the 'control' tab? The ability to select colours on scrollers and moving heads and gobos in moving heads would be a huge asset in creating pre-production images. I'm touring with Cirque and designing some productions back in the UK with an assistant who is still based in the UK and needs some 'looks' sent through for rehearsals. Short of touring a console just for design work I feel this would be a great feature to have in Capture. Does anyone else feel this would benefit them? Jon
    Staff Member
    Posts:2062 Staff Member

    2009-05-21 09:15
    Hi Jon,

    You are not the only one to have thought about it! =)

    We are working with a couple of "feature branches", of which a whole new control concept is one of them. We're basically removing the primitive "control tab" and replacing it with a much more competent tool inside the simulation view (so that it's accessible in fullscreen as well).

    Lars Wernlund
    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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