

New Problem on LT Light edition
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Posts: New Member

2009-06-27 18:07
    In first, i would like to says cheers! for the developement i have seen in the last newsletter. If the profiles will have shutters, it will be very helpfull!!

    So now i would like to tell you that i have tested the Capture Polar version 1.19 LT LIGHT edition and it seems that the "inverse pan" or "inverse Tilt" don't works.
    I have tried to change patch and save and other things but nothing happened, so i can't work on my show.
    The fixtures was Smart MAC ( i have see that the gobo "planet" don't got blue in the middle, is it normal?)

    All the best

    Staff Member
    Posts:2062 Staff Member

    2009-06-29 08:07
    Hi Philippe,

    I have made some tests and you are right - at least partially. Pan and tilt inverse does work, but I can see it doesn't take effect until the DMX values have changed! So just reopen the show or send some new positions from the console and it should be fine!

    Regarding the gobo - as far as we know from Martin, the "Planets" gobo is black and white. Is this wrong? Are the other gobos correct?

    Lars Wernlund
    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
    New Member
    Posts: New Member

    2009-07-04 18:30
    Hi Lars!
    You're wright for the inverse pan and tilt, it need a change of dmx value.

    For the gobo, i'm sure (cause i work with Smart mac in my job) that the Planet gobo is blue in the center all the points around are white.

    Thanks for your interest.
    Staff Member
    Posts:542 Staff Member

    2009-07-24 10:23
    Hello Philippe!

    You were right for the gobo and we corrected it. Please download the latest library update found on our download section.

    As for library requests please mail them to instead of posting here. We monitor both of course, however we would prefer to receive them in the above email adress.

    Kindest regards,

    Vangelis Manolis
    Sales Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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