

No Plotstyle in Plotviews
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Advanced Member
Posts:63 Advanced Member

2016-05-10 14:05

    I just downloaded Capture Atlas, and its a major improvement in performance and visualisation, good job ;-)

    but there is a minor bug in the Paperwork, I have set all my views and created a Plot-Style where I want the Focusnotes and the DMX-Adress not to be seen, in the Paperview everything is fine, but in the plot it seems as no plotstyle has been set.

    I'm sure it's just a minor bugfix for you to make, but it would be much appreciated.

    Thanks in advance, all the best Marco

    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2016-05-13 08:51


    I can confirm that this is a bug in version 22.0.12 and that we're working on fixing it!

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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