

Material Library
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Posts:63 Advanced Member

2016-05-11 11:22

    Hi all,

    I was really excited to play with new Capture Atlas, especially the PBR-Textures, glossy and reflecting materials. So I began to play around with it, unfortunately there is not much to find in the Internet about values of different materials, so i started to build a small material library, which I'd like to share with you. Maybe somebody has a few materials to add, or improve my first steps. ;-)

    just download the Showfile here

    I hope others will follow me and we could build a larger library to accelerate everyones work.

    All the best Marco

    Basic Member
    Posts:37 Basic Member

    2016-08-19 21:21

    Is this only good for Atlas or can it be use with Argo as well

    Staff Member
    Posts:2062 Staff Member

    2016-09-01 08:14


    The new material model came with Capture Atlas, so it will not do very well in Capture Argo.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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