

Escape button
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Posts: New Member

2016-06-06 21:42

    We were holding our breath and waiting patiently until Atlas was released....

    Now that it is released.

    Can we please please please please have an ESC button that releases all selected items?

    Please? It's pretty industry standard, like [SHIFT] select and [CTRL] Select. It's pretty much the first thing that anyone coming from CAD, Vector or Sketchup complains about. I'm running out of excuses as to why the [ESC] key won't release everything.

    Also can I change the hotkeys myself, I want my old hotkeys back.

    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2016-06-07 08:01


    The Esc button already has a function and that is to block snapping from occuring while moving objects. To deselect all objects, use Ctrl/Cmd+D. As far as I'm aware, Esc does not deselect all objects (at least not by default) in neither AutoCAD nor SketchUp.

    While it is our intention to allow users to customize keyboard shortcuts in the future, we will not allow the old shortcuts without Ctrl/Cmd as it is in violation with both Apples and Microsofts user interface guidelines.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
    Basic Member
    Posts:11 Basic Member

    2016-06-22 12:39


    the Esc button causes on my machine strange behavior: instead of turning off the snapping function the object I try to move jumps always back to the position from which I wanted to move it .... running Capture Atlas on mac Yosemite.



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