

LIbrary adds and gear count options
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New Member
Posts: New Member

2016-06-09 22:42

    Is there a truss base anywhere? Even a gneric 30" base plate? I can't seem to find one.

    If there isn't it would be nice to upload base plates to the library so we can get accurate gear counts.

    Other items that would be nice to add to the actual library so we can get accurate counts:

    Motors, double reeved 1 ton, double half, 1 ton, half ton, 1/4 ton etc... don't need functionality but having a block that can create a line item in the gear repor.

    Cheeeseburoughs, swivel or fixed

    in general if we could alter an item to create a line item in the gear report that would be lovely.

    Advanced Member
    Posts:53 Advanced Member

    2016-06-11 19:27

    Most of those are available in the 3D sketch up warehouse:

    Just download and import. Sometimes you have to bring them in and do a little editing.

    Advanced Member
    Posts:64 Advanced Member

    2016-06-11 20:38

    Hello John.

    If you read carefully what Joe wrote you will find that he wants the gear to appear in his equipment report. Only items that are part of the library will do this.

    Imported items do not show up in the equipment report.

    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2016-06-21 09:59


    Having non-library items appear on the plot is a hot feature candidate for a future Capture release.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
    Advanced Member
    Posts:53 Advanced Member

    2016-06-22 17:35

    Dopf! My bad...I would like that feature as well : )

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