

Mapping Material
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Advanced Member
Posts:57 Advanced Member

2016-07-06 16:12
    Hi all, I am trying to add a texture to my floor. I looked everywhere for an answer so sorry if this is somewhere else and I missed it. I try to map to extents but that option is greyed out and won't let me. Any idea why I might not have this option open to me? Thanks
    Advanced Member
    Posts:57 Advanced Member

    2016-07-06 16:18
    Also my material library doesn't have a picture/preview of the materials? I'm thinking something is off here?
    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2016-08-04 11:42


    The "map to extents" function is only available in flat views (such as right after swing to top/front/section).

    Unfortunately materials are not previewable in the library browser.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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