

How to add Custom GOBO
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Basic Member
Posts:37 Basic Member

2016-07-26 19:59

    Ok How do I add Custom GOBO to the Library so I may but them into a Leko

    Glass and Metal in Size "A" and Size "B"

    I use Argo at this time

    Advanced Member
    Posts:147 Advanced Member

    2016-07-26 20:47

    Do you have your custom gobo made into an image file? If not, make sure it's saved as a JPG, JPEG, or PNG no larger than 256x256 pixels.

    Once that's done, in Capture, click on the Design tab and then right click on the Gobos folder and select Add New Gobo. Label it to whatever you'd lke to be and over on the right side, under properties, double click on Image (no) . This pulls up the Open window to selct your custom gobo file.

    Once you've opened the file, click and drag your labeled gobo from the Gobos folder into the 2D or 3D view onto your desired fixture (leko).

    If you wish to remove the gobo, select the fixture, and click on the wrench and select Remove gobos.

    Hope this helps.

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