

I bought it. licensing key inoperable or incorrect
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New Member
Posts: New Member

2016-09-01 21:07

    i just purchased Argo atlas quattro from the web store.

    I have the receipt email verifying the purchase

    I have a message with an html download which i copied to my desktop.

    I have downloaded the demo and have attempted repeatedly to either acquire a key or use the sent html.

    Capture does not recognize the link on my desktop.

    I am at a loss to why your system is not allowing for my purchase.

    Staff Member
    Posts:543 Staff Member

    2016-09-01 22:13
    Did you receive an email with the keyfile? This is an email with instructions on how to install the attached keyfile and license Capture. If you haven't could you please check your spam folder in case your spam filters blocked it?
    Sales Director
    Capture Visualisation AB

    New Member
    Posts: New Member

    2016-09-02 02:35

    Capture sent a message with an attachment that would not download onto my Mac.

    I copied it as an html link. That did not work, but curiously will send me to my email when I click on it in my desktop.

    Could you resend the message that you send with the download for the key?

    Quite possibly that might work.

    BTW - nothing was sent to spam

    Staff Member
    Posts:2064 Staff Member

    2016-09-02 08:16


    You really need that attachment as that is your license. If the file doesn't download then there is no way of moving forward. What prevented you from downloading the file - did you get any error message from your browser? Or has your e-mail provider blocked it? We have had it resent to you in case it makes any difference.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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