

Control View Camera with Hog4PC
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Posts:147 Advanced Member

2017-07-27 17:09

I see you're having a difficult time with this and would like to continue helping you.

Let's trouble shoot....

Since you've not having any luck building a custom fixture, have you tried a 1-to-1 patch using 24 channels to see if you're getting control from the camera?

Take a step back and first check that DMX is getting through to camera movement by manipulating its movement using only intensities before making custom fixtures

Start with a new Hog show file AND Capture file. Make a simple stage with X=0 Y=0 Z=0. Make this your test bed just for the purpose of learning camera movement in Capture.

Staff Member
Posts:543 Staff Member

2017-07-27 19:17

Hog is no different than any console manufacturer who has created a camera personality for Capture. We have the information available and anyone could request if from HOG since they would do it in the end anyway. Just like it would happen with any dmx fixture that an end user would request it from a console manufacturer. As for the videos the responsibility lies in between us and HES and not on Capture only.

With that being said I have notified hog again, although if my memory does not fail me there lies a problem on how hog treats 16bit channels that caused the motion to be jurky. Now, I would like to ask everyone to calm down and just await their response.

Sales Director
Capture Visualisation AB
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Posts:157 Veteran Member

2017-07-27 20:57
Hi All,

I am in direct contact with the library team at HES to get this resolved, and hope to be able to report back with some good news soon.


Basic Member
Posts:29 Basic Member

2017-08-03 15:52
Colin Wood wrote:
Hi All,

I am in direct contact with the library team at HES to get this resolved, and hope to be able to report back with some good news soon.



Any progress on this?

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Posts:29 Basic Member

2017-08-10 18:31
Staff Member
Posts:2063 Staff Member

2017-08-11 11:08

Hi arlon666,

I can't add much to this discussion except that High End has a page on the support section of their web site to request fixture libraries. I would expect this to be your primary source for any missing fixtures in your console's library, as well as support in case there are issues with any of them.

Technical Director
Capture Visualisation AB
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Posts:29 Basic Member

2017-08-16 20:53
Vangelis Manolis wrote:

Hog is no different than any console manufacturer who has created a camera personality for Capture. We have the information available and anyone could request if from HOG since they would do it in the end anyway. Just like it would happen with any dmx fixture that an end user would request it from a console manufacturer. As for the videos the responsibility lies in between us and HES and not on Capture only.

With that being said I have notified hog again, although if my memory does not fail me there lies a problem on how hog treats 16bit channels that caused the motion to be jurky. Now, I would like to ask everyone to calm down and just await their response.

Hi Vangelis any word from hog?

Here is an update on my end. I have been able to control the camera with my works like s**t!!!

1) I tried building in the hog fixture builder and most of the functions need were not available in the builder.

2) I submitted a request to hog to please add it to there library, over a year ago before i started all this. Still no word from them.

3) I then patched the functions of the camera to 16 bit generic desk channels. Problem is that each 16 bit desk channel uses 2 DMX channels in the Hog. So that did not line up with the camera function properly.

4) I then had to go to the regular desk channels, which lined up perfectly. Problem is its extremely jerky when i try to do any camera movement.

So this make the video record option useless to me if i cant do movement. Maybe I use the software differently then most of you. I need this function because most of my clients are corporate shows. They want to see what their vision looks like as real as possible. Here is what I think needs to be done. Either capture need to build in a way to do programed camera moves manually through their software. Or they need to work with lighting companies to make sure there camera can be used as a fixture on their products.

Stop playing pass the buck!!! Step up an make your product be the best out there. Stop saying it my job as the programmer or Hogs job to work with your product. Its your job to sell your product!! Even with the latest release of Nexum you tout the fact that you can now export "High end Hog 4 patch export" So clearly its import that you make you product be compatible with the major consoles out there. These is just another feature you need to make work better.

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Posts:2063 Staff Member

2017-08-18 09:59


We reached out to High End again yesterday for an update and they have let us know that a test profile is on its way "very soon".

Technical Director
Capture Visualisation AB
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Posts:29 Basic Member

2017-09-01 18:02
Lars Wernlund wrote:


We reached out to High End again yesterday for an update and they have let us know that a test profile is on its way "very soon".

Any update?
Veteran Member
Posts:157 Veteran Member

2017-09-01 18:46
I'm expecting to have a profile to test on Monday.


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