

Collapsing Library Tree
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Basic Member
Posts:21 Basic Member

2016-09-21 18:05


    Just wondering if there will be a fix for this intermittent problem?

    Navigating your way through the library you click on the library item you want and BANG! the library tree collapses to the root. It happens not very often but when you are working at speed my god it makes me go Grrrrrr!

    How about a "Favourites" folder too?

    Advanced Member
    Posts:147 Advanced Member

    2016-09-26 20:23
    Library favorites is an excellent idea!
    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2016-10-06 07:45


    I'm happy to inform you that we have managed to pinpoint the issue behind the collapsing library and we're about to make a bug fix release!

    As for the library favourites folder, this is on our radar.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
    Basic Member
    Posts:21 Basic Member

    2016-10-07 01:09

    Fantastic news... So pleased...

    Thanks Lars

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