

Capture Polar 2.2.5 released!
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Posts:2062 Staff Member

2009-09-20 17:36
    Version 2.2 now available!
    After returning from a very successful PLASA show, we have now released the much-anticipated version 2.2 of Capture Polar!

    New fixture control panel and beam shaping
    The old Control tab has been replaced with a new fixture control panel inside Live views. To open it, select one or more fixtures in a view in Live mode and then click on the new red "power"-style button.

    The new control panel allows for control of many intelligent fixture parameters not controllable before, but also for control of some more old fashioned properties such as barndoors, framing shutters, irises, and gobos. Framing shutters are automatically available for profiles where appropriate, however barndoors and irises must be added manually but setting the Internal accessory and External accessory properties of a fixture.

    CITP protocol grows strong
    The CITP protocol, supported by Capture, is growing stronger by the day. As many companies are joining the train, we're happy to announce that Green Hippo is now also one of them and the second company (beside Arkaos) to support the streaming video features of CITP, making it possible to integrate media servers in a Capture visualization!

    Best regards,
    The Capture team
    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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