

Automatic on truss
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New Member
Posts: New Member

2009-10-20 15:46

    Hello Lars,

    If you have a fixture and move this it is red.

    Now I have a problem because if you move it to close to the truss it turns to magenta sticks and on the truss or changes position etc etc. Can you set this function off and where?



    New Member
    Posts: New Member

    2009-10-20 20:19
    When you are hovering the fixture over the truss you can press 'Esc' and it will change back to red - but only temporarily.

    New Member
    Posts: New Member

    2009-10-21 04:21

    Thanks Londondan.

    That would be a nice feature in the software to have a True/False (on/off) box for this item.

    It's sometimes very annoying. Can Lars implement this feature?

    Kind regards ,


    Staff Member
    Posts:2062 Staff Member

    2009-10-24 08:47

    As has been answered already, it's the snapping that kicks in. The snap feature is activated when you've held the mouse still for a short while when moving an object. When the snap is active, it highlights the destination position if the mouse button would be released. The snap can be disabled by pressing Esc - but if the mouse is moved again, it is reactivated. The timeout for the snap to be activated can be changed in the options under "Snap timeout" - it is set to 0.8 seconds by default, so you could try doubling it to 1.6 s for instance and see if that works better for you!

    Lars Wernlund
    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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