I have some toughts about Polar.
1. When you lock a layer, you can still select items in the stored layer. When u lock for example stage podiums and then select the truss "hanging" above the marked podiums and try to move the truss u cant do it because the podiums are locked.
If locked layers could not be marked it would be better.
2. The new control box instead of the control-tab, works really well but it would have been nice with pan / tilt steering and even a HOME function. If you have patched the lamp u can reset the universe, but it would be nice to have a separate HOME.
3. Something I long missed is the ability to add custom objects in library. Being able to put together different items and then rightclick and press "add to library" and being able to use these new objekts in different files/shows would be great.
4. When zooming in CAD view the view doesnt follow the cursor, insted it only zooms closer. This makes it necessary to move the view and get the place it zooms towards the middle. If the zoom go where the cursor is located makes it unnecessary to move the view, and makes work faster.
These are just my thougts...
// Hebbe