

Floorplan import.....please!
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Posts:15 Basic Member

2016-11-19 11:38

    I would really like to be able to import floor plans (in pdf) to start plotting from there. Could this please be made possible, or is it already and am I missing something???For me this ws the default way to work in Vectorworks. Am having a great time discovering Capture Atlas, but really need this option to draw.......

    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2016-11-21 08:12


    This is a feature requested with some frequency but it is not one we are currently working on nor have scheduled to work on yet. One of the reasons it is slightly difficult to prioritize it is that it is a lot of work and that by the end of the day we believe these PDF's are exported from other drawing software that could as well have exported a DWG. It is still a feature we would like to implement at some point though.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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    Posts:30 Basic Member

    2016-11-21 08:19

    It would defiantly be a great feature! especially if the floor plan could also be scaled within capture!

    I would like to point out that a lot of venues have floor plans because at some point someone worked at the venue who could draw and had access to archutectual plans and these floor plans have been generated from that, Like Lars said. But its very common in this day and age that the person who made them no longer works there so the venues just send PDF that they have. I know that in Australia, it is extremely difficult (almost impossible in most cases) to get 2d or 3d drawings on a venue unless it is a large stadium. Most medium to small venues only offer pdf floor plans.

    Basic Member
    Posts:15 Basic Member

    2016-11-22 08:16

    Hello Lars,

    Thanks you for your reply. In holland I'm used to downloading theatre drawings from their websites, but these are never (and will probably never be) 3d/DWG drawings. Always PDF. Furthermore, I'm sure none of the theaters, or compagnies I design for have any drawings of their venue in 3d, only 2d/PDF. For me this is the only way to draw actually, starting from a 2D floorplan. Right now I'm designing for a rental company which says it will never give out their DWG drawings from the venues they work for, because of the hours they put into it.

    Knowing that importing 2d floorplans is not possible in Atlas, would probably made me not buy this program for plotting.

    To be honest, I really like Capture Atlas, but this is really a problem for me..........

    Basic Member
    Posts:15 Basic Member

    2016-11-22 08:28

    In the Netherlands its the same situation. I don't know of any theater in Holland which has 3D drawings of their Venue, cause there is no need for it.

    Furthermore, I never had a 3D drawing of any of the sceneries of theatreshows I designed for, or needed it. To be honest, I don't really need Atlas for visualizing, more for 2d administration of my designs. Like i did before on Vectorworks (which supports importing floorpans in PDF and scaling them)

    Basic Member
    Posts:30 Basic Member

    2016-11-22 08:28

    The best thing to do for drawing is spend 5,000 on vectorworks and just use capture for previs

    New Member
    Posts:7 New Member

    2016-11-27 08:41

    Convert the pdf to jpg. Create a material using the jpg you converted (match dimensions) Create a flat box (objects folder) that matches the dimensions of the pdf/jpg file (graphic). and then drag material to the flat box object. I have used this method many times with perfect results.The extra effort took me about 5 minutes but was worth it in order to visualize using a floor plan.

    If anything greater is needed, converting it to a DWG would be your best option but since you specifically requested floorplan, it is nothing more then a top view and can be easily achieved if you only need a 1 dimensional image.

    Advanced Member
    Posts:63 Advanced Member

    2016-11-27 11:11
    A workaround for that could be, to convert this pdf to dwg or dxf. There are a lot of free online converters, just search on google for "pdf to dwg", just try a little bit which is working best for you and maybe post the best solutions so others could benefit from your findings. If it is a vector-pdf you are lucky because then the file keeps its scalability if it is a rastered pdf it could be better to convert it to an image file. Once that is done you can easily import it into Capture.

    All the best Marco

    Advanced Member
    Posts:147 Advanced Member

    2016-11-28 05:18
    Simply awesome!
    Thanks for the tips!

    New Member
    Posts: New Member

    2016-11-30 11:32

    Hey Koos,

    little workaround from here. You could import a .jpg as a picture. If you´ve created a A4 layout and export it as a jpg, you could start plotting from there.

    Best Johannes

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