

Manual camera control
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Posts:52 Advanced Member

2016-12-14 13:28

    Controlling camera views (not by dmx)

    I have just got Atlas and am trying to navigate the dockhouse demo using my Connexion Space Navigator 3d mouse.

    It works fine except it hits a stop and I can't navigate freely around the model.

    I'm guessing the camera has a fixed origin point which needs to be moved closer to the centre of the model? (maybe it started out there and I have unknowingly shifted it)

    If this is the case, how do I tell where the origin point is and how do I move it please?

    (Just as a note, Wysiwyg also used to use a define-able fixed camera origin which was always a painful limitation, even with 16bit x/y/z; especially on larger models. They fixed that limitation by making the origin part of the dynamic camera properties which is much nicer. The 3d space navigator is then perfect for unrestricted client fly-throughs)

    Staff Member
    Posts:2019 Staff Member

    2016-12-15 09:15
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    I'm not quite sure how you get in this situation, but each view's camera has a focus point around which it normally rotates and zooms to/from when navigating with the mouse. If you zoom too close to it you can get "stuck". We're going to have to take a look at whether there's an issue with the 3D mouse in relation to this.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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    Posts:52 Advanced Member

    2016-12-15 10:20
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    It was my first go with the full version of Atlas and my first attempt to use the space navigator to navigate so I clearly am probably do all kinds of silly things.

    The first time I opened the dockhouse demo the navigator was set way to sensitive and things were flying everywhere, by the time I had the settings tuned a bit I had been circling and flying past the model in all manner of orientations!

    Once I finally tried to calmly navigate the model I just about "poked my head" into the inside of the dockhouse model and could see the stage setup but then hit a "wall" where I couldn't move/zoom any closer.

    I reloaded the file to reset everything and it was better this time but I still hit the same thing while attempting to "walk" around the back of the stage.

    Is there a separate set of control for the camera position and I'm currently just zooming the view or something like that? There are a number of changeable settings for the 3d navigator so I may need to experiment with those a bit perhaps?

    In the case of the dockhouse demo I presume that if the camera is correctly positioned in the centre of the model that I should have enough freedom of movement to be able to "flythrough" any part of it?

    I'm sure this will just be a case of me working out the correct way to do things.

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    Posts:147 Advanced Member

    2016-12-15 17:59
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    Welcome to Capture!

    When I'm moving cameras around in the 3D view, I usaully drift the camera from SL-SR and DS-US in the 3D view to the desired location.
    - Pan your camera left or right 90 degrees
    Hold down Ctrl+left click on the left navigator control and move mouse.
    - Then switch to holding down Shift to drift the camera.
    Page 17 of the manual will help if I'm not making sense. :-/

    I think I can help with your camera zoom thing.
    The zoom has a limitation which you obviously found.

    In one of the 2D views, find the camera that has the camer's zoom to full stop.
    Left click on the that camera and drag the camera to a position that is suitable in your 3D view. Note zooming out the camera out a bit before dragging the camera is a good idea so that you have some zoom capability of left in that camera if you wish to fine tune it.

    Once you're happy with the camera's new position, save its postion so that you can recall it if you get stuck, or find yourself floating in blackness.
    Have a look at page 14 of the manual on how to Store Camera.
    Once stored, you can recall you saved views by using Ctrl 5,6,7,8,9.
    Ctrl 5 being camera positon1 and so on.

    I hope this helps and enjoy using Capture. I'm very pleased with this software and the support from the Capture Team is A+!

    Advanced Member
    Posts:52 Advanced Member

    2016-12-15 18:40
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    Hi John,

    Thanks for your input on the camera thing, I haven't even had time to look at the manual yet so I've just been poking around a bit with some of the demo files.

    I also need to teach myself how to use a cad program too before I can get to grips everything properly (luckily there's no shortage of Sketchup tutorial videos about)

    I thought the camera thing would be simple enough, thanks for clearing that up. I'll let you know how I get on when I try it later.

    And as for the Space Navigator, I may need to tweak the settings or even need to combine with some modifier keys (shift, alt, etc) to get things working right.

    Once I get all that sorted out I will post a description of what settings I ended up with.


    Advanced Member
    Posts:147 Advanced Member

    2016-12-15 20:35
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    I look forward to checking out the settings you end up with.

    Reading through the Capture manual is well worth the time. You'll find there are some good tips/tricks that make setup of your project easier.
    You'll fall into the swing of CAD in no time!
    If you haven't already, here's a Youtube link to some tutorials.
    It's from Capture's earlier version, but has some useful techniques as well advanced stuff.

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