It was my first go with the full version of Atlas and my first attempt to use the space navigator to navigate so I clearly am probably do all kinds of silly things.
The first time I opened the dockhouse demo the navigator was set way to sensitive and things were flying everywhere, by the time I had the settings tuned a bit I had been circling and flying past the model in all manner of orientations!
Once I finally tried to calmly navigate the model I just about "poked my head" into the inside of the dockhouse model and could see the stage setup but then hit a "wall" where I couldn't move/zoom any closer.
I reloaded the file to reset everything and it was better this time but I still hit the same thing while attempting to "walk" around the back of the stage.
Is there a separate set of control for the camera position and I'm currently just zooming the view or something like that? There are a number of changeable settings for the 3d navigator so I may need to experiment with those a bit perhaps?
In the case of the dockhouse demo I presume that if the camera is correctly positioned in the centre of the model that I should have enough freedom of movement to be able to "flythrough" any part of it?
I'm sure this will just be a case of me working out the correct way to do things.