

Plot Question
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New Member
Posts:6 New Member

2017-01-04 21:05

    Hi there,

    I have replaced symbols for the final paperwork plot but when I insert a symbol key it has the original symbols. How do I update this so it matches the plotted symbols?


    Staff Member
    Posts:2064 Staff Member

    2017-01-05 08:57


    When you say that you replaced the symbols, do you mean that you have dragged and dropped other fixtures symbols from the library on top of your fixtures in Capture, or have you use some other solution?

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
    New Member
    Posts:6 New Member

    2017-01-05 21:28

    That's correct. Drag and drop onto paper view plot. But I can't seem to do the same for the symbol key.

    Advanced Member
    Posts:79 Advanced Member

    2017-01-05 22:09

    In the plot you should highlight the Symbol Key

    Scroll down the properties box. Find symbol configuration click in it press "refresh key Symbol list" in the window that pops up

    New Member
    Posts:6 New Member

    2017-01-06 00:22

    Oddly I am finding that this is happening only in 1 specific show file. All others update correctly.

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