

Video player feature request.
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Basic Member
Posts:30 Basic Member

2017-01-13 15:20

    Hi guys,

    I'd like to request that intensity be added to dmx control of video players. At the moment if I select a video in capture via dmx it will play. But when I kill the dmx, the videocontinues to play unless a stop command is issued.

    It I give the dmx a value for stop, the video holds its last frame. You can see how this could be a problem when trying to playback a time code show for example which features a moment where video is on, then off.

    Advanced Member
    Posts:63 Advanced Member

    2017-02-08 21:39
    Hi strobie,

    maybe this workaround helps you dealing with your problem, I always put a 1s-video with a black content at the players playlist, so you can jump to this black whenever you need.

    All the best Marco

    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2017-04-01 16:01


    Thank you for your feedback. We do have it on our list to add a way of blacking out videos in the future!

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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