

External Input Devices
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Posts: New Member

2010-04-23 13:36
    Having nothing but trouble connecting anything to Capture. Enttec box will not connect, Art Net will not connect, ETC Net2 will not connect. I've been trying to get this to work for weeks. I've tralled the internet for information and have had no luck. All connections have be attempted with the MA Ultra Light. Whilst in London when the MA was new we managed to have Artnet running in to Capture. Mac OSX does not yet support MA1 net so I cannot even try that connection. Any assistance would be greatly received. Jon
    Staff Member
    Posts:2062 Staff Member

    2010-04-23 16:12
    Hi Jon,

    It is difficult to provide constructive support without more information than this. My impression is that you are using Mac OS X - is that right? If so, you should not have any problems with ArtNet nor ETCNet2, given that you have a valid network configuration for the purpose, that no software or hardware firewalls are in your way and that your networking equipment is not blocking the traffic for any reason.

    ArtNet can be difficult to set up, especially on Mac OS X. How it needs to be done depends on the configuration in the console and how the console transmits the ArtNet data. It's impossible to write good generic guidelines, you need to do it on a case-by-case basis. If for example you have an 192.168.x.x office network and your console transmits ArtNet on the 2.x.x.x network, you need to configure an additional network interface on the Mac on the 2.x.x.x network. You may also need to choose either "Automatic" or the "2.x.x.x" interface in Capture, I can't remember which of the top of my head.

    ETCNet2 uses multicast and is less prone to network configuration problems, but some routers will not forward multicast correctly, especially not wifi routers.

    MA1/2-net can be supported by any operating system, but the protocol is proprietary and the library that Capture uses has been provided by MA and has only been available for Windows.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB

    New Member
    Posts: New Member

    2010-04-24 00:22
    Hi Lars, After a lot of fiddling and some assistance from MA I was able to make a connection using ARTNET. However ETCNET2 and the Enttec Pro dongle are dead losses. They just don't want to know. But I'm experiencing a new problem when using artnet with Capture. Capture can run for days without any faults. But today, since getting artnet into capture, the Mac keeps crashing. Its not a Capture crash its the whole Mac. This only seems to happen when I'm running fixtures from the MA. If the fixtures are all at '0' it runs happily, But if I'm plotting the system will run for maybe 10-20mins. I seem to be able to force this to happen by putting 4 moving heads in to an effect and leave it running from 10mins. when I return the Mac says its crashed and to hold the power button down until the system turns off. Any ideas? is there a file I can send you after a crash to see if it is being caused by Capture getting Artnet information? They rig we using this weekend is in a very small place in Munich. Very limited but as my MA was laying around doing nothing we thought we would have a little fun. I can send you the files etc. Just let me know what you need. Cheers Jon
    Staff Member
    Posts:2062 Staff Member

    2010-04-24 09:50
    Hi Jon,

    If Capture crashes - I'm your man. If Mac OS X crashes, there's not much I can do. From your description it almost sounds look you have an over-heated graphics card!
    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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