

À question before buying...
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2017-04-21 23:46

    I AM currently running the student edition of your software and I dont find any shutters cut option for the profile spot, or barndoors (i've found an entry where you can add it but no way to cut the beam)... Is that a premium functionnality ? If yes, in wich version it is included ?

    Thanks for tout answers, Tom.

    Staff Member
    Posts:543 Staff Member

    2017-04-24 18:49

    The student editions has the same functionality as the standard editions when it comes to the fixtures that exist in both libraries. Therefore if you choose the ETC Source Four in the student edition, switch to live mode, select the fixture, click the middle power button, you will see the internal console pane. From there you can change the shutters as you please and the beam will be affected. If you were looking for something please let us know here.

    Sales Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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