

CMY and RGB but no Colour Wheel in Live view
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New Member
Posts: New Member

2017-05-02 21:06

    I am using Capture Nexum connected to Avolites Arena console. When I go to live view and change colours on the console, the CMY and RGB changes show properly but any colour wheel changes do not. For example, Mac Quantum Profile will work properly when I switch using colour mixing, but will not when I use the Colour Wheel. I have the fixtures hooked up to the console as well, and the changes are happening properly on the actual fixtures.

    Advanced Member
    Posts:79 Advanced Member

    2017-05-02 21:30
    At the risk of asking the obvious you have set the correct mode in capture for the fixture - basic or extended?
    New Member
    Posts: New Member

    2017-05-02 21:37

    Yes, that was the first thing I checked. And all the other functions seem to work fine. I also have no colour wheel changes happening in the live window from the Elation Platinum Beam Extremes I have patched. There is only a colour wheel in that fixture btw. I am new to the software so I am hoping it is something simple that I have missed.

    New Member
    Posts: New Member

    2017-05-03 16:48

    By swapping in the same fixture profiles from the library for all the fixtures that were not working properly, the problem is gone.

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