

record video for rendering with audio
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Basic Member
Posts:10 Basic Member

2017-05-31 09:17

    hi guys ;i need to roll the virtual show with music .. how i can do it ? in capture nexum symphony

    New Member
    Posts:4 New Member

    2017-06-26 11:20
    • Accepted Answer

    I'm also looking for an answer for this, how to add an audio track to the recordings, or solution to sync audio with video rendering

    Staff Member
    Posts:2062 Staff Member

    2017-06-26 11:25
    • Accepted Answer


    Capture does not offer the functionality to record audio or otherwise synchronize it with a video snapshot at rendering. Instead we refer you to video editing software available. If you are on Mac you can look at iMovie, Final Cut Pro. On Windows Microsoft recently discontinued Windows Movie Maker (although it can still be downloaded) and have said they will introduce Windows Story Remix this fall. Adobe Premiere Pro is an option available on both platforms.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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