

Front perspective plots in Atlas ?
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Posts:3 New Member

2017-06-29 16:18

    Hi I need a plot view from the front of stage but I can only ever seem to get a top view in Atlas. Is it possible ?

    I have a stack of LED bars in a particular pattern that's not visible from the top.

    As a workround I've tried to rotate them (with the plot transformation slider set) but I can't rotate them on the axis I need to make them visible. If I select and rotate in the side plot view which enables me to rotate around the x dimension they revert to their none plot transformed positions when I return to the top view !

    Have searched forums and can't find any help. Noticed that the manual only talks about top views - so may be this isn't possible.

    Thanks for any help - need to get these plots out !

    New Member
    Posts:3 New Member

    2017-07-03 16:23

    So in case anyone else ended up here, found the answer to my own problem.

    Once you have inserted the plot in to a new plot in plot view, then select the plot and under properties select which perspective to view.

    I think it would be useful to add this to the manual. The manual currently just says "Scale and move the plot to suit the paper" and doesn't refer to the fact that properties can change perspective as well as minor properties like colour/title which is what is shown in the image.

    Advanced Member
    Posts:147 Advanced Member

    2017-07-03 19:10
    Hey jg,

    I agree. The manual could use some refinement.

    Thanks for sharing your findings with changing the plot view. I also do my best to share with other users on this forum the tips/tricks that are not stated in the manual.

    To add to this post, if you wish to show scale of your plots in front view, use Orthographic front from the Properties/Appearance/Type of the selected plot. It's useful when needing to know the elevation of equipment.

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