

whether Capture Nexum connect with MA console in virtual environment?
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Posts:1 New Member

2017-06-30 11:20

    Many Chinese users want to know, why Capture nexum software can not be connected in the virtual environment with MA console, but must be true of the MA console in the side before they can successfully contact, however , some other similar mainstream software can be directly virtual connection with MA control , whether these similar lighting design software and MA company reached a cooperation agreement? Will capture choose to do this and how to better solve the problem?


    Basic Member
    Posts:30 Basic Member

    2017-06-30 11:47

    im not a Chinese user, but i agree that this issue is very very annoying. recently i had to hire a full size console and an NPU to programme a show, which ended up costing me $600USD Per day for 3 weeks, which basically made the show unviable. If i could have connected via MA Net, i could have used an ma2 lite and only paid $500 total for the 3 weeks of pre programming time.

    Ma needs to realise that cutting pre vis out and forcing people to use horrible ma3d will be detrimental to a LOT of users. in some countries consoles are extremely expensive to hire which means that many people will not be able to use them, and as there are many other consoles on the market that offer unlimited universes via propriety protocols, a lot of users (especially younger users) will opted for those platforms instead.

    from what i gather this problem is with MA not capture. it is MA that you need to email with your frustrations, and encourage others to also email them. i have, and they didn't even reply.

    Basic Member
    Posts:30 Basic Member

    2017-07-21 14:30
    After talking with MA, I have been told that ma has blocked 3rd party visualisers from ma net because some visualizers have been converting it to dmx, and this has been used by some people as a means to output from the software thus negating the need for ma hardware.

    Right now there is a task force that is trying to find a solution to this problem, but that's all they are willing to say. I put it out there that ma should consider making an interface with capture as it has done with wysiwyg, but was told this is not a direction ma wants to go down as it will mean having to create such aplication for many 3rd party products.

    Recently I had to hire a full size and multiple npu's in order to pre vis for over a month. During this time there was a shortage of npu's in my country and I had to go on without any support from the distributor or manufacture. It would have been fine if I could have connected via ma net and not had to worry about peramaters. Almost every other console supports some kind of open protocal thst works within capture. I've just started moving over to ma and this has been a huge kick in the pants for me. Capture have already said that the ball is in ma lightings hands now, and from what I hear from ma, they are going to make a decision on this soon.

    If they decide not to fix this I'm going to have to stick with the competitors lighting console because ma 3d is a JOKE.

    Staff Member
    Posts:543 Staff Member

    2017-09-05 15:06

    Thank you all for your posts, we totally understand your needs.

    We have reminded MA Lighting about the situation and it is going to be discussed again, please bear with us. Anyone who wishes to add to the topic please continue in this thread instead of opening new threads. Once there is a conclusion from our talks with MA I will make sure to post it here.

    Strobie, could you please inform us of who you talked with in MA? You can post it here or drop us an email privately at sales@ , whatever works for you.

    Sales Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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