

Low resolution in Plot (Paper) view since Nexum
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Veteran Member
Posts:157 Veteran Member

2017-09-15 09:59
    Hi guys,

    The resolution of the plot view appears to be significantly lower in Nexum than with Atlas, and this issue is particularly apparent on PC, and visible across all my files. I have to zoom in so much further now than I used to in order to see the text, and any symbol with rotation off the X and Z axis appears very dotty, whereas 0, 90 degrees etc are better.


    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2017-11-20 10:15


    I think this is a combination of a change in text rendering as well as layer line width. In Atlas layer line width didn't work properly with fixture symbols, rendering them a bit thicker than they should. With Nexum the default layer line width of 0.75pt does make them look like you say, but if you up the layer line width to 1pt it looks like in Atlas.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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