

Capture doesn't open on Parallels
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Posts:1 New Member

2017-09-18 18:18

    Hi to everyone!

    A few days ago I installed Parallels Windows 10 N emulator on my Mac because I want to use Capture with GrandMA2 over MA-Net. Capture installed correctly (I guess) but it won't start. Windows tell's me there's missing two dll-files. The files are MFPlat.dll and MFReadWrite.dll. I tried to install those files with Windows media feature pack but it didn't help at all. Has anyone got this problem and solve it?

    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2017-11-20 10:16
    • Accepted Answer


    We would not at all recommend running Capture under Windows emulation. The files mentioned are indeed part of Windows Media Foundation which needs to be present and working. Unfortunately we don't really have any knowledge that could help you with that, we don't have much experience with Parallels.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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