

Atlas Glitching on Free-Flight view
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New Member
Posts:1 New Member

2017-12-01 11:58

    Boots up fine, everythnig works fine until I middle click on the mouse for free-flight and the software freezes and starts a very slow glitch..1 flash every 3s until I exit the software or it white-screens.

    I'm running Windows 10 and I've updated my graphics card (GTX1080) to the latest driver and I've uninstalled and reinstalled, applied run as Administrator and still nothing.

    Last time I used Atlas was around 10 days ago, worked fine then as well.

    I think it might be a windows update that has affected the software.....Thoughts or suggestions??


    Staff Member
    Posts:2064 Staff Member

    2018-01-22 09:33


    I'm afraid apart from updating video card drivers (and all other computer drivers) we don't have any suggestions. It sounds as if your problems were introduced with a Windows Update or some other driver update.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
    New Member
    Posts: New Member

    2018-01-25 18:14

    Having same issue on Nexum latest update (..10)

    i7 8550u

    Geforce MX150

    New Member
    Posts: New Member

    2018-01-25 18:29

    Fixed by disabling integrated graphics hardware and making sure only dedicated graphics card was enabled.

    Advanced Member
    Posts:147 Advanced Member

    2018-01-25 19:01
    Good tip!
    Thanks for sharing.
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