

No light coming from Elation opti quad pars
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Posts:29 Basic Member

2017-12-09 14:30
    hey guys im having a problem with some elation opti quad pars. for some reason i am getting no light from them in capture. I tried every mode for it and i can see the dmx commands changing but nothing on screen. All my other lights are working fine.

    Im using it manually right now not connected to my console. And I have disable console link on. And I made sure the layer is enabled and nothing is blocking it.

    All my other lights are working in the project. Just not the opti pars. Tried all of their modes too.

    Can some one check for me if this is a bug?

    I am using the lastest version of capture nexum on a mac.

    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2018-01-22 09:27


    Capture's built-in control pane is not able to handle all types of LED lighting. Depending on the specific mode you are using, that is probably what's happening here and you may need to use an external controller of some sort.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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