

Video Manuals
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Basic Member
Posts:14 Basic Member

2007-09-18 22:27

    We are now about to make new video manuals! Tell us what you like to see! I will put a updated list here in the forum on regular basis.

    The first request is "How importing DXF/DWG"

    /Lasse, Capture

    Advanced Member
    Posts:67 Advanced Member

    2007-09-19 11:17

    How about creating multiple Motion controller?
    or setting up media server with arkaos?

    Btw, How is Capture in PLASA?
    It would be nice to post some pictures

    Staff Member
    Posts:2062 Staff Member

    2007-09-19 20:48
    Hi Justin,

    What do you mean with "creating multiple Motion controllers" ?

    Lars Wernlund
    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
    Advanced Member
    Posts:67 Advanced Member

    2007-09-21 10:29

    creating more than 1 motion controller and setting the unit number.
    If you have more than 1 or 2 motion controller it is best to label the unit.
    Since motion controller doesn't have info bar like the fixtures.

    So the purpose to set more than 1 or maybe like 4 for example patching it and setting the unit number and you will see the unit display on the views.

    Advanced Member
    Posts:102 Advanced Member

    2007-09-24 15:59

    Hi Lasse,

    I should create some videos of the basic things:

    - how to make scenes

    - how to add custom gobo's in a moving head

    - how to work with layers

    - how to use materials and add it to surfaces

    Best regards,


    Basic Member
    Posts:29 Basic Member

    2007-12-27 02:26

    Hi Lasse,

    Can you make a video to learn the implementation of media servers in capture. I want to get Arkaos into a drawing but i dont get it in a screen.

    I just see under the Media Servers tap in capture the output of the Arkaos Media Server. But how to get i the output to a screen in capture?? I try click and drop on a box item from the library but it dit not work .


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