

Can any one help?
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Basic Member
Posts:17 Basic Member

2018-01-10 12:06

    Hi there,

    iv noticed in the last couple of months when using capture when you select a fixture or a part etc you get this ghosting?, iv attached a image to describe what I'm talking about

    Is this normal and can i turn it off?



    Advanced Member
    Posts:147 Advanced Member

    2018-01-10 20:17
    Hi Patch,

    In the attached image, it appears that you have plot adjustments enabled to some or all fixtures. This is done by selecting the fixture and clicking the little on/off switch located in the top right of the selection. The ghosting is showing the physical location in your 3D view.
    Enabling plot adjustments to fixtures is handy when fixtures are too close, overlap, ect without breaking focus of your fixtures in the visualizer while making it easier to read information in plots. If you wish to restore this, select the fixture(s) and click on the little gear in the bottom left and select Reset plot transformation.

    Hope this helps!

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