

Paperwork and Focus Info
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Posts:37 Basic Member

2018-01-11 22:25

    I am sure it is in the settings but I would like to know two things

    One / in the paper work cant it note the focus of the light ( yes more for non movers) IE Light to focus on drums and so on

    Two / Placement of the light as to were it is on stage to be hung I know that circuit and patch are in but it would be nice if we can have a place to say light is to be set here outside of the plot IE Light to be placed on upstage truss top cord dwstage side

    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2018-01-22 09:29


    1) There is a "Plot Focus" property of fixtures intended for this.

    2) There is a "Note" property for fixtures as well intended for this.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
    Basic Member
    Posts:37 Basic Member

    2018-01-22 17:10

    Yes but in the Fixture Report the focus is note noted it only shows on the plot

    Advanced Member
    Posts:147 Advanced Member

    2018-01-25 19:20

    I posted something similar a not too long ago. I believe the Capture Team is working on this.


    What I've been doing in the meantime to show focus position in the fixture report is marking the notes with [*]

    notes example:
    -fixture is overhung [drums]
    -yoked US [DSR]

    Hope this helps for now.

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