

SpectraConnect T5 and LED with RGBW
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Posts:107 Advanced Member

2010-06-30 13:42
    Hi all,
    I was trying to recreate a problem offline, but failed for the following reasons:
    1. There is no SpectraConnect T5 in the Library, which in itself is not the end of the world, because one could think well it is an RGBW Fluorescent light source, let's replace it with an RGBW LED. Which leads straight to my next problem.
    2. I am either blind or dumb, but there seems to be no RGBW LED.
    Any help/guidance greatly appreciated.

    Kind regards
    Florian Baeumler
    Florian Baeumler
    Lighting Visualisation
    Staff Member
    Posts:542 Staff Member

    2010-06-30 16:04
    Please try CYCLED RGBW led panel from LDDE, amongst others that we have in the library and feauture rgbw.

    feel free to mail me for any library requests,


    Sales Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
    Advanced Member
    Posts:107 Advanced Member

    2010-07-09 13:09
    Sorry for the late reply.....
    Thank you for your help...

    Kind regards
    Florian Baeumler
    Lighting Visualisation
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