

Orthographic View + LIVE
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Posts:31 Basic Member

2018-03-25 03:14

    Hi all,

    With Capture Argo I was able to select an othographic view in LIVE mode and it was displayed correctly. In Nexum this is no longer possible, when selecting orthographic and LIVE, it doesn't switch to orthographic, it remains as a perspective view.

    I've tried this on a Mac Pro and also a Macbook Pro. It doesn't work on both computers.



    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2018-03-26 09:46


    Orthographic live views is a feature that was removed with Capture Nexum. It was proving a nightmare to maintain and normally orthographic views are only a feature for wireframe design - no digital cameras nor the human eyes can perceive the world in orthographic view.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
    Basic Member
    Posts:31 Basic Member

    2018-03-26 11:53


    I agree, but in wireframe you cannot draw the beams.

    I used to work in orthographic view in live mode to see the angle of the beams when teaching. It would be a great feature to have an option to draw the lines of a beam in orthographic view.


    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2018-04-09 08:39


    Well noted!

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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