

Turn On Annotation
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Posts:2 New Member

2018-05-17 02:52
    I imported the plot via .dxf file and the data via Lightwright 4 from Softplot 10. I have been manually entering the fixture unit # into the Selected Items Properties tab. In the top view in plot I see the unit#, channel, and dimmer # in very small type. It appears that these were imported as part of the dxf file since they are not enclosed in the annotation graphic shapes (the oval, rectangle, and circle). This leads me to conclude that the annotation function has been turned off. I have checked the patch and everything appears to be properly patched. So how do I turn annotation on?
    New Member
    Posts:2 New Member

    2018-05-30 03:20
    So here is what I found: When I imported the model and data two fixtures were created. The model fixture was in the proper location but had no annotation. The data fixture was arrayed mid-stage center to off stage left and had annotations. I rebuilt the hang using the model as a location guide and then erased the model and data copies.
    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2018-06-09 08:54


    What you describe is what happens if you import a model and then data and Capture is unable to see which model belongs to which line in the data. This is a workflow we think only works with VectorWorks at the moment, although if you get the identification information right in the DWG it would be possible to make it work.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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