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Posts:46 Basic Member

2010-08-08 22:42
    Has anyone got an idea how to make a vl5 in capture. I can get the vl it self, but dont know how to make the dimmer work. Ive tried to patch in a generic flood just to simulate the output, but cant get it to do colours or movement for obvious reasons Any ideas
    Staff Member
    Posts:2062 Staff Member

    2010-08-09 16:08
    Hi newillumination,

    I'm not sure what you mean. The VL5 is available in the library and behaves (partially) like most moving heads. You will not be able to mix RGB in Capture with it due to it's slightly odd color mixing, but it should work fine from DMX. And unless you want to do split-patch, that's about it.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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    Posts:46 Basic Member

    2010-08-25 23:54
    My problem was that the VL5 has a generic dimmer patched on top of the fiture. I could get the vl5 to move, but had a problem getting any light output.
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