

Truss colors not working?
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Basic Member
Posts:25 Basic Member

2018-05-18 12:29

    Hi Everybody,

    is it correct, that I cannot color the trusses anymore in Capture 2018?

    The color field is there but the dialog for changing the color doesn't open.

    Works in Capture Nexum.

    Both tested on MAC with up to date Symphony Editions

    Regards Jan

    Advanced Member
    Posts:79 Advanced Member

    2018-05-18 15:47
    I think theres been a previous post that said truss colour only works for generic truss.
    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2018-06-09 08:52


    Yes this is correct. We will be releasing a .1 update soon which will allow you to apply a material to the truss, overriding the default colour.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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