

Stage Deck fix ETA for 2018?
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Posts:52 Advanced Member

2018-06-08 18:51

    Is there any likely-hood of the stage deck bug being fixed in Direct-X mode anytime soon?

    Direct-X rendering is mostly working quite well now but I can't use it in some instances as I need the staging to look right.

    I'm sure this is already on the To-Do list but if there is any chance of it being pushed higher up the list that would be wonderful.

    Staff Member
    Posts:2064 Staff Member

    2018-06-09 08:36


    The short answer is yes - it was literally implemented yesterday. We want to get this released before the end of June, together with the Actor, Black Box, Proscenium, Flatscreen and LED panels in a .1 release. We are transforming the settings to allow material application on all of these (not just colour) (and to trusses as well), which is why it will be in the .1.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
    Advanced Member
    Posts:52 Advanced Member

    2018-06-09 09:35
    Oooh, sounds promising 😀
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