

Custom objects- Cut cloth
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New Member
Posts: New Member

2018-06-11 19:35

    Hello everyone,

    Been teaching myself capture for the last few weeks, but i am struggling with mapping material to a cut cloth,

    By using the Archway i can create two halves of the cloth to a basic level, but i cannot get the material to map to it properly.

    Is there a guide out there to create custom objects in detail and to map things to it? or anyone got any advice they could pass on?

    Many thanks,


    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2018-08-06 08:51
    • Accepted Answer


    Capture provides some basic options for material mapping - automatic and manual (planar) mapping. If you need to do more detailed work then you'll need to look at more advanced 3D modelling software such as SketchUp, Cinema 4D and similar.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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