

Exposure adjustment
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Advanced Member
Posts:53 Advanced Member

2018-08-14 16:06
    Have a visualization that no matter how many times I set exposure for Beta View to 0EV when I close a re-open the file it defaults to -2.69EV. Thinking I've set something somewhere that's causing this, but not sure where to look. Appreciate any assistance.
    Advanced Member
    Posts:147 Advanced Member

    2018-09-16 19:53
    HI John,

    Curious. Do you save the file before closing?

    Version of Capture?

    Advanced Member
    Posts:53 Advanced Member

    2018-09-16 20:02
    Many times over. Your note prompted me to look again and still the same result. One thing I did realize is that I have the camera for that view patched to DMX, so I'm thinking maybe it is some kind of DMX channel data that is causing the default behavior.
    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2018-10-01 08:31


    Yes, exposure can be controlled by DMX as well so if your camera is patched this will be the reason it snaps back.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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