

Scenes DMX patch
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New Member
Posts:6 New Member

2018-10-05 09:39


    I cannot find how to control scenes via DMX, in the scene I can only define a DMX slot, not a patch.

    Thanks in advance

    Advanced Member
    Posts:64 Advanced Member

    2018-10-05 16:22
    Hello mimi012.

    DMX Scene control, as well as DMX Layer control, is part of the view control.

    Therfore you have to patch your view in extended mode to get DMX control over your scenes.

    Best regards,


    New Member
    Posts:6 New Member

    2018-10-05 23:34

    Thanks a lot!

    Basic Member
    Posts:16 Basic Member

    2018-10-31 04:20

    Hi. I am not quite sure what the DMX / scene connection is. Can someone please clarify? Thanks in advance.

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