

Feature Request - Unique ID and Position
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2018-11-10 19:58


    First, I would like to say I am really enjoying Capture 2018 and it is a wonderful addition to my toolkit. I'm a designer in the United States and I have a couple feature ideas that I think would make Capture easier to use for designers here.

    First, in a standard theatrical plot we usually use a combination of Position / Unit to uniquely identify fixtures. In this case the "First Electic 1" would and "Second Electric 1" would both be Unit "1". Obviously that doesn't fit in with the model Capture uses where the Unit Number is the "unique" field for the fixture.

    Secondly, a lot of us use AutoCAD or Vectorworks to draft (honestly, most of us use Vectorworks at this point) and the ability to have an "External ID" field would make synchronization between the two pieces of software easier. I often end up with Capture data that looks like Unit "1022." because that's the only way I can reliably synchronize between the two pieces of software.

    The addition of a Position or External ID field would allow me (and others) to reliably export data between both pieces of software (both would be nice). Additionally, for our electricians they expect a Position field so I can't reliably generate a hookup from Capture.

    Advanced Member
    Posts:64 Advanced Member

    2018-11-11 00:38
    Hello Daniel B. Chapman.

    I canot answer most of your questions because at this time I rarely use autocad or vectorworks

    The only coment I can make is about your request regarding a position field. It is already there, but it is called location.

    The good news is that in theory you can rename the location field to position. ;-)

    There is even a report for locations and it synchronices niceley with lightwright.
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