

Left Camera with plot information
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Advanced Member
Posts:66 Advanced Member

2019-02-05 12:33
    Hi all,

    Capture 2018, Windows 10

    In a project, I need a left camera view WITH the plot information.

    Is it possible to have it ? Because, in this verison, I can't find it.

    Thank You

    Advanced Member
    Posts:64 Advanced Member

    2019-02-05 22:02
    Go to the property window of your view on your plot. There you will find "Type" where you can choose between "Ortographic top", "Ortographic front", "Ortographic section", "Perspective" and "Ortographic". Only the first three options will give you plot informations though.
    Advanced Member
    Posts:66 Advanced Member

    2019-02-05 22:06

    But It's amazing that a CAD sofware disable left view WITH plot information !

    Advanced Member
    Posts:64 Advanced Member

    2019-02-05 22:29
    Ahh, after reading your facebook post I now understand your problem. ;-)
    I didn't get that you want a section from the opposite side.

    Something Capture probably should implement.

    One sidenote: Capture is not a CAD software but a visualization software.

    This is why certain things might have a different priority.

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