

Fixture channel patch.
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Posts:2 New Member

2019-03-01 03:06

    Is it possible to add channels to a exisiting fixture?

    Advanced Member
    Posts:64 Advanced Member

    2019-03-01 16:04
    Hello lightman.

    I am not shure about what you are asking.

    Do you want to give a fixture like a PAR a channel number? This is very easy to do and I am shure this is coverd in the manual or in a video tutorial on YouTube.

    A second channel number?

    Would you like ta ad more DMX channels to an existing movinglight?

    Why would you like to do this?

    Best regards, Alexander

    New Member
    Posts:2 New Member

    2019-03-02 01:11

    I have a fixture that I need 23 dmx channels for it. The profile in Capture has 2 options 10 and 14. They do not have the 23 channel option that the fixture does allow. Looking for a way to update/create that fixture profile.

    Advanced Member
    Posts:64 Advanced Member

    2019-03-02 01:25
    Send a note together with the missing information or a dmx sheet / manual to if you find a faulty profile in the library.

    Capture updates the library every weekday and usually incorporate your information in a couple of days.

    There is no other way to fix this kind of a problem and it will fix the problem for other users too.

    Best regards,


    New Member
    Posts: New Member

    2019-04-23 06:51

    Hi Alexander,

    How do I add a second channel number?

    I have a cyclorama 4 cell but I can't seem to add 4 different channel but only 1 channel for the whole fixture.

    I am currently using the Student Edition.

    Best regards,


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